

About Ekolu


When you hear the name "Ekolu", your first thought is about your most favorite song released from these Maui Boys. Ekolu has been a part of the Island Reggae music scene for 23 years. Ekolu released their debut album back in 1999, titled Down In The Valley, and since then, they have created their own style of music that started a branding of Ekolu Music. Ekolu has been one of Hawai'i's top favorite Island Reggae Music artist on the scene today. Within the 20 plus years of being together, Ekolu has released 11 full length albums with multiple single releases that showcase how the band has evolved as the years have progressed. 

Speaking of evolving, Ekolu has 3 main band members, 2 of them being the original and 1 whom is the newest and the youngest member to the band.

Lead singer and co-founder of Ekolu, Lukela Keala and Bass Player, vocalist, Makapu Ho'opii are the original main band members of Ekolu. Kalehua Kahele, whom is the newest and the youngest 3rd member to Ekolu has added his smooth, soulful vocals to this Trio. Their talent and live show performance show much a band who has been around for 23 years can still take part of this ever changing music scene in Hawai'i today.